It's just about that time...
I've had my droid for almost 18 months!! I have loved this phone from the start!
I will need to decide if I am sticking with an android based phone or becoming an Iphone user.
My Droid is pretty beat up these days as it is my lifeline to our crazy, hectic life.
It's been to every football game, wrestling match, dance recital, school performance, cheer practice, vacation and beyond! It has kept me in touch, on task (for the most part), and accessible whether I liked it or not.
So I decided to make a pros and cons list of my personal wants and needs...
Droid - Open Market can mean so many more options
iPhone - Apple has their stuff together and really has some great stuff.
My personal annoyance with Droid is: Words with Friends, I waited and waited for this jewel to be available to me and now that I have it, I'm frustrated with the forced closings. However I know with a little patience it will be fixed. And it is just a game...
Google Mail
I know both can receive my google mail and since my hubby and son both have the Iphone I can see how my Android app is SO much better. It works just like my gmail. I have colored labels/tags and the biggest thing I just learned last night... Iphones can't SEARCH Mail!!! Aughhh! My wonderful husband said "yeah, but how much do you do that?" Oh my... like DAILY! Especially coordinating a youth club and volunteering as a coordinator for my son's All Night Grad party. I have used this bad boy to show people emails I have sent or something I have received when something has been in question! Don't know how I could live without that one...
Google Maps
I have turn by turn directions, and I know that there are apps(or AT&T newer iPhone) for the iPhone to be able to do the same thing. We have also discovered that my layers (traffic layer to be specific) will show information about an accident where the Iphone google map doesn't. I don't always get info on what's ahead but it's a nice feature.
Google Calendar
Hmmm another big issue... since I use Google calendar and have color coded calendars for each member of the family, my Android google calendar looks just like the desktop version. I can see who is where and for how long at one glance. The Iphone google calendar shows it in an agenda view and you have to open the items to see how long something is.
Pretty similar. Can do most of the same things. I think the iPhone version is a bit better. Hubby can view the wall of an event and I can't.
I'm sure there are apps for both phones to do as many cool things as you like, but my android based one, I can have separate notification tones for different people... big bonus when it's in your purse and you want to know who it is before get your lazy butt up off the couch. I can also have my blinking light change colors... like for example most of my text messages lights are pink, except for when my hubby texts me... Gmail is always green. I know before I even turn the screen on what is waiting for me...
Oh boy...
How can you not love a SD card. I have over 900 pictures in my phone! I know the iPhone connects to your computer and you have everything there, but an extra sd card is soooooo much cheaper than getting the bigger iPhone!!
Well hubby's iPhone lasts way longer than mine... but mine is 18 months old, which in cell phone world these days is OLD!
I could also pop in a new battery if I decided to buy one. I am usually in or near my charger most of the time so it really doesn't bother me to plug it in.
So after seeing all my Pro's for the android why would I even consider buying an iPhone... I don't know... it looks cool, my husband and son have one... it has WAY more cool stuff to make it look cute... I have a macbook... does that even matter??? Hmmm, not ready to decide yet. What do you think?
Memory cards are all the same, right?
5 days ago
good luck. I don't think you'll go wrong with either choice. Keep us posted.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your day...