Saturday, November 20, 2010

Leaves, Leaves and more Leaves!

Wow!!  So, we bought this house in this lovely place because of the trees and the backyard!!

It's one thing to view a property when the snow is melting, the grass is green and the trees are blooming... to envision the future and all the wondrous things we could do with unlimited funds! Then, reality sets in and it's quite another thing to understand the up keep of such a wonderful yard!

                                                  So here is our trusty rake... that we have NOT used!

And here are some of the wonderful people that we hired to help us out!! Amazing what you can do with blowers... I think if I tried it they would be all over the place, not in a neat pile!

Scary thing is we have this many
leaves every week!!!

And...we still have plenty more to look forward too!!

It's amazing what you find under the leaves....

Here are some great pictures of the kids enjoying all these leaves!!

I love this... it actually looks like he is laying on them when in reality he is about 3-4 feet off the ground!

Annie enjoys having the kids to run around with!

Luckily, the guys doing the clean up didn't see the kids jumping in these huge piles!!

Final product: a nice cleaned up yard... well worth the $$!!  
Don't you think?? 


  1. Thanks Lisa!! Annie misses you!! Thought you would like the picture of her to add to your trip, since we failed so miserably getting a pic of you two!!

  2. We lived in our house in FX for 18 yrs.(where they don't pick up leaves) so we did it ourselves... the first two years. 56 bags of leaves were carted off that second year and after that we hired the church youth to do it for us. It was a fun tradition that lasted for 6 or 7 years. The last 10 years we hired the job out. Money well-spent. Loved the trees but not the work. Our new house - no real leaves to speak of. Hallelujah!

  3. What great memories you are making for the kids. Ain't now pile of leaves like that in Chula Vista. Big fun. I especially like the photo of the pile of leaves and one head popping out of it all.
