Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Michael's Birthday!

Today is my darling husbands birthday!!

I have made cute little favor boxes with truffles inside to take to Outback Steakhouse tonight along with my homemade Chocolate Marbled Almond Cheesecake!! Mine won't look this pretty but it will taste yummy! This recipe is out of one of my favorite and well loved cookbooks Land -O- Lakes cookbook... you know it isn't going to be low anything with Land O Lakes in the name! Look I found a link...
 and successfully put it in my blog! Wow!

Guess my creative juices are flowing again! Thank goodness.  I feel like I have been in a funk for quite awhile not wanting to do anything! I think Valentine's Day was a surprise for me when I didn't do a thing. No cards, nothing for the kids or my husband for that matter. I am usually so with it when it comes to these things! Luckily I have an awesome husband who stepped up and had presents for the kids and of course me! 

So I made a an effort... although notice I am not cooking dinner tonight... didn't want to go too far! Thanks to my mom it was her wonderful idea to go to Outback! Good thing Michael doesn't read my blog... he might have learned of our plans before tonight!

And his presents...  they go with our family goals! Won't spoil yet but they will be used when we explore this year! We have made a list of things we want to go see and do and I am hoping his presents will be of great use! I think he will like them.

How am I doing so far on this blog thing?? It's kinda fun!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Is it really the middle of February already!? So much for this blogging thing!! I really thought I would get some good blogging time during this snow fest.  The kids have been out of school for quite awhile, tonight was supposed to be the last night of our wonderful snowcation... however, the schools will be closed again tomorrow! AND more snow on the way, God only knows when they will really return! I am amazed with the folks of northern Virginia and how quickly they turn on this weather! I am not tired of the snow, nor of my kids being home.  We have played lots of games (mostly trouble... seems to be Rachel's favorite game), watched a lot of movies, done some crafts and gone sledding.  The kids have had sleep overs, slept late and pretty much lounged.  It has been a nice reprieve of activities.
check out my cool drop of water from the icicle

In some ways it has been better than our Christmas vacation, no stress of visitors, cards, shopping, wrapping etc. Probably should take note that this is what breaks and vacations should be like! Family Time!  We did enjoy a visit from my sister, she arrived before the second blizzard and we loved being snowed in with her and her little new bundle of joy...zack!

I didn't actually go sledding with the kids... just took pictures. My back isn't quite up to that. Speaking of my back, quick update: It has been 7 1/2 months since surgery, went back last month for my 6month check up and the bone graft is growing nicely. As far as pain goes... well, it goes.  I am still on the nerve medication to help with sciatic pain and numb toes, but the good new is I rarely take the pain medication. I think I worry about becoming addicted to such strong medications that I don't take them as often as I could.  I haven't been able to keep up my walking the last few weeks. Icy sidewalks and slipping just isn't what I need right now. The stiffness is starting to go away, my physical therapist told me that scar tissue actively grows for the first six months then tapers off and is the main reason for that uncomfortable stiff feeling!  Stretching and walking are the best medicine... if this snow continues might need to buy a treadmill!

Kids are all doing well... although I think they have all forgot what they were learning in school.  I think it is still wrestling season although Shaun hasn't wrestled since we went to Pennsylvania almost 3+ weeks ago. His district competition was canceled and Regionals is supposed to be Tuesday and Wednesday... unless there is more snow, which is possible. Such a crazy season!

Jacob is still taking piano privately, trumpet through school and hasn't decided which spring sport he will participate in this year, Rachel on the other hand is too involved at the moment! Piano, dance, cheer...and soccer is will start soon! I don't know what happened to my rule of one activity per child at a time! She likes it all and wants to do it all! Once wrestling season is over for Shaun, he is all about getting into the weight room and prepping for football season! We will be going for college visits this spring... I can't believe it's that time already!

I've heard of this phenomenon, that time seems to fly by faster the older you get... I was hoping it wasn't true!