Well, I had good intentions of starting this blog at the beginning of the year (I'm only 20 days late)! I have set some goals for this year for myself as well as the family.
I hope to keep in better contact with family and friends and I am hoping this blog will aid my effort!
I have some organizational goals... I need to be a better steward of our things, it has been far too long since we have had a good cleaning out!! (The thought of moving to a different house at the end of summer might be spurring this on too!)
I want to clean up my picture/storage/scrapbook mess too. I take so many pictures but do so little with them. I hope to get more creative with sharing them as well as improve my photography skills!
I hope to plan and follow through with more family trips, both big and small to see many of the great places around us. We did so well touring around when we first moved to Virginia, I want to reignite our spark of curiosity and excitement!
Exercise is of course on the list, I did really well last year starting in April with walking everyday to prepare for surgery. I continue to walk, although not everyday, I'm fairly faithful in my exercise regime but it is time to step it up. I have been waiting for pain to subside, which doesn't seem likely at this point so I'm going to "just do it"!
...Ok, enough goal setting! Time to start working on them!
Memory cards are all the same, right?
4 days ago